its been very hard times in california this week, it started with 10,000 lightning strikes, in a horrendous heat wave, with catastrophic results. we were very fortunate not to be there when it happened, at 3:30 am a firestorm raced down the mountain and destroyed everything in its path, no time to prepare, just to flee with your life. our entire neighborhood was wiped clean, we built there 30 years ago, many of the same neighbors have been there from the start, and suddenly, violently, it is all gone. we didn't know if our house had survived, i was looking online desperately to no avail, i had heard pleasants valley looked like the paradise fire, total annihilation.
Lady in yellow at entrance to my neighborhood
today i needed answers, we arrived early to a police blockade, no entrance allowed. normally on a clear day we could see our house 15 miles away on the hill, but with so many fires raging visibility is more like a 1/4 mile. we parked at the no entry zone and my husband began to walk in the 3-4 miles to see if it was still standing in heavy smoke. a VERY kind lady picked up my husband and drove him to our street, she waited while he walked up to see every single house gone, turned the corner and this is whats left of our 3 story home...
there was a mustang in the garage below...
everything is gone but the memories...

Lady in yellow at entrance to my neighborhood
today i needed answers, we arrived early to a police blockade, no entrance allowed. normally on a clear day we could see our house 15 miles away on the hill, but with so many fires raging visibility is more like a 1/4 mile. we parked at the no entry zone and my husband began to walk in the 3-4 miles to see if it was still standing in heavy smoke. a VERY kind lady picked up my husband and drove him to our street, she waited while he walked up to see every single house gone, turned the corner and this is whats left of our 3 story home...
there was a mustang in the garage below...
everything is gone but the memories...