

Sunday, May 5, 2013

a mans salad~

bacon bowl
preheat oven to 350
lay eight slices of bacon in rectangle, weave 8 slices to make basket weave
get an oven pan and put large measuring cup or pyrex bowl in pan, cover with foil and wrap with bacon
bake 30'
let cool 10' before removing from foil


  1. I have been ill with the Norovirus and couldn't think about food. I know. But I'm better and am making up for lost calories. My bacon-loving guys will go wild over this. Your bacon basket is so inventive!!!

  2. That salad bowl is fantastic! Great job!
    My husband would eat the cheese and the bowl! LOL!

  3. And I thought the woven bread basket was incredible. This is amazing. You are so clever with food!

  4. My husband included...love your creativity! I'm trying my hand at bread stick basket making this week, wish me luck :)

