Wednesday, May 27, 2020

just playing~

my new camera arrived and I couldn't wait to hit the garden...

I have had this birdhouse for 2 years, all I ever saw was wasps, while working on the kitchen garden, the tractor just inches from the birdhouse, out popped mama and papa.

  I am so happy to have a working camera again, I shot this pic from 30' away, I love seeing clearly again!

I think this is a baby, it followed me all through the rose tunnel, I felt I could put my hand out and it would have landed on me, I could stand 2' from it, it kept flying and perching every 5' with me. it was not alone, the other stayed within 20' watching...


1 comment:

  1. Spectacular hummer shots!! Love the clarity and your beautiful pics! We haven't seen hummers like we usually do. I've been faithfully filling feeders and refilling to keep nectar fresh...hope springs eternal :)

