Tuesday, May 26, 2020

garden chronicles, kitchen garden progress, part 3

the kitchen garden had been languishing for a couple months, its had so many delays that finally this weekend we were able to get some visible progress! after the rains we brought in more fill dirt and compaction began, so far we have used at least 6 dump trucks full of fill, and this is the low side, we will need so much more on the down side! the original fence, hiding the propane tank, was removed preparing way for the new focal point wall forever hiding the tank in a more esthetically pleasing way... 

just as we were making strides, 3" of rain stopped us cold...
until this week, when finally the main wall was completed.
we were up bright an early to lay pathways and planters

meanwhile the blueberries are doing terrific
I planted a 25' row of nasturtiums seeds for colorful salads, they have been thriving after the rain
the bareroot roses have all leafed out, I was short one red simplicity rose and added dancing in the dark for a vibrant red border
the clematis is growing well but looking forlorn, in need of its own arch to come over the staircase.
the best news of the weekend, tomatoes are planted!
the center aisle is planted with green and purple leaf basil, the ends have onion chives. the main pathway will be 5' wide, because this is well above grade we needed to have tractor access to add the dirt and mulch, we do our work in bits and pieces as we add fill dirt and back out, meaning we just cant whip this all out quickly, we are always layering fill up 3' deep for level...
you can see this is just steps away from my kitchen, perfectly handy to snip from lavender to rosemary, pluck blueberries or blood oranges, add sprinkles of rose petals to tarragon, all with the greatest of ease.
6/1 update

we are getting closer, the weather once again defies logic, from 100 degrees one day, to a cold rainy weekend made it impossible to work in the mud for the full 3 day weekend. we were able to inch our way closer though, just 25% left to the finish line!



  1. You two amaze me. This is beautiful.

  2. Words fail...I need to know what kind of vitamins you take! It's stunning already with your stonework and fountain wall. I bet you two sleep well at night :)

