Monday, April 20, 2020

morning walk~

I injured my hand which has drastically curtailed my garden chores, and life, the last few days, one handed I have managed to stroll the garden several times a day, always with a camera in hand. between the iris and roses, and the ever present wildlife, I always see something that catches my eyes and delight my senses...


  1. I’m so sorry you have hurt your hand, however you have STUNNING surroundings to encourage healing. Just beautiful!

  2. Your roses are beautiful. I love the look on your dog's face. He's too cute.

  3. So sorry you injured your hand! I'm guessing it's healed as I am working backwards viewing your gorgeous garden posts. You capture the best bird shots, you must have a 'super zoom' lens on your camera. Have you ordered a new camera online yet?

