Tuesday, April 21, 2020

early morning walk~

every morning I rush out, camera in hand, to visit all my bearded iris opening daily. I take 3-400 pics daily, yes, I LOVE IRIS! and roses too, and just about anything else that is pretty and catches my eye! as the sun rises there is just a brief time when the apple tree blossoms drape over the kitchen garden planter...

I collect bearded iris, I used to have 1200 named varieties at my old house, so far I have over 400 here, its like greeting old friends as they unfurl in the morning light...

my favorite thing is to have a large block of color, the goal is to have 16-20 plants per rectangle of the same name, it makes for a very showy spring! right now I am just starting to build stock, I buy one and wait for them to multiply as I ever expand my garden, free plants, whats not to love!

wherever I go outside, Katie is always nearby watching me...

every year this bird comes to nest in spring in the exact same area. when I say I nest, I have no idea what I am talking about, I don't even know the name of this bird, they remind me of sandpipers on the beach. they must lay their eggs on the ground, perhaps even on the gravel driveway. today this one rushed me from 30' away and came within 5' of me, it was flopping and acting injured, trying to lure me away from its nest on the ground, either on the road, or the freshly mowed pasture, while its mate was 50' away. Katie and I stood there quietly snapping its picture, mesmerized with its bravery. If anyone can tell me about this birds habits I would like to try and make their lives easier, I told my husband to avoid those few acres until we figure out exactly where and what they are protecting!


  1. Hi Jain! Aren't birds fascinating? I think you have a pair of Killdeer! Here is a link to Cornell U. bird lab and you can even hear their call on this site. Hope you are doing well and that your hand is healing. Your garden is amazing!! Linda https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Killdeer#_ga=2.42073125.1635333826.1587552464-1986581691.1587552463

    1. Thank you linda, had fun visiting your blog today!

  2. I believe it is a killdeer. Their babies are little balls of fluff on stilts.

  3. The iris I bought from you MANY years ago (from your old property)have been beautiful this year! Every time I see them I think of you.

  4. So glad they are still giving beauty after all these years! I was thinking of selling this summer so I can add more guilt free!

  5. Gorgeous blooms especially with your hillside and barn backdrop! Birds are fascinating. I had to google Killdeer as I've never seen one..."Adults preform ‘broken wing display’ to distract predators from nests and young" You got fantastic shots. Nature is amazing!

