Sunday, November 13, 2022

garden projects...

 every morning i walk the garden, never knowing what will catch my eyes. today i was working in my nursery area, transplanting seedlings and tidying up, the wild grape along the canal looked fetching...

at the entrance gate the evergreen pears are just coming into color

this weekend my husband was kind enough to weld a couple of projects for me, with severe fire danger all summer and into fall, we wait until the rains have come before we fire it up. below is my new sweet pea trellis, the 2 end gate pieces came from our burned house, it will be like the rise of the phoenix to see them covered in flowers next year... 

back by the greenhouse, my neighbor graced me with a giant hunk of helianthus, it grows at least 8'x10' each summer, this year collapsing on itself and all over the smaller plants and smothering the greenhouse. my husband welded me a 4' cage to see if i could keep this beauty upright all summer and fall next year, i had to use a power saw to prune it to fit in its new cage. 

how it was before...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful wild grape and photos! Your new handy cage should do the trick. :)

