Friday, June 17, 2022

working the garden~

This is my first year in the lions garden and I could not be any happier with the results, its fully loaded with perennial color...

I have never grown lilies before and I am totally enchanted, the tiger lilies are out of this world!

Just passed the lions share garden I started cutting garden beds from the abundance of rock dug up for our swimming pool. To be honest, I doubt i will ever cut a single flower, i just love seeing plants in full bloom in the garden!

the beds are wide and long, with deep paths so the tractor can supply them with mulch over their life time. 

there will be one more narrow bed to come for vines like sweet peas.

Looking across the first bed, one section is planted with lilies galore, another section stuffed to the brim with dahlias. As late in the season as it is, I started annual seedlings in the greenhouse, things like cosmos, zinnias, tithonia and sunflowers. 

The cutting garden was a spur of the moment idea, we are inundated with rocks from the pool dirt and I just wanted to make quick use of them. I am thrilled to have 3 new beds coming just for annual color, I am also thrilled that the cosmos germinated in 48 hours in the greenhouse, I love a fast garden! 


  1. Wow! Your gardening space is huge . . . and very pretty :)

  2. More room to grow! The bees and butterflies will be thrilled with your zinnias, cosmos and sunflowers to come. ♥

