Monday, June 6, 2022

monday morning blooms~

 Today i will be joining the ladies of monday morning blooms as a guest.

This is so photo heavy I apologize in advance, I like to tell visual stories and this got away from from me! The theme was flowers in the garden, and of course I was instantly seeing red...

starting at our little red barn I was enchanted with red on red...

but we are heading over to my greenhouse to celebrate ...

Don't get to comfy out here, we are heading inside! My husband built me this greenhouse over the winter and I could not be any happier with my new space, but it is still a work in progress. The greenhouse is completed, but pavers are needed on the outside for spacious patios, for now heavy mulch is in use. 

Please join me inside, it is very much a working greenhouse, but today a little extra garden color found its way indoors~

i would like to thank my resident ladybug artist for my artistic portrait...

thank you so much for including me, below are links to the ladies beautiful blogs~


  1. Oh Jain, I’ve been waiting for your post and I so love to see how you play in your greenhouse! You are indeed a ‘Petal Pusher’! I love the florabundance and ladybug details. I can imagine how long it must have taken for you to pile on the petals and cut your blooms. I have watering can envy with your ‘gardening tills the soul’ can and love your ‘it’s not hoarding if it’s plants’ sign. 😊 What a comfy pile of red pillows for lounging and taking in the beauty. Too bad you don’t have time to stop and smell the roses with all your deadheading, shredding and garden chores! Scott is so handy and talented with his building, welding and hardscape installing skills, and you with your planting and designing. I know you were thrilled to finally see your vision of your greenhouse grow and come to life. Thanks so much for joining in the fun today and sharing blooms with us. ♥
    P.S. Your ladybug artist and portrait cracks me up.

    1. Thanks so much for including me, it was fun to play again! Thank you for your kind comments too, was thinking should we revive food for thought/ novel bakers every other month and play with books again 😉

  2. How may I subscribe to your blog? Thank you.

    1. I'm sorry I don't know how, but I post garden pics daily...

  3. Shirley @housepitalitydesignsJune 6, 2022 at 4:25 AM

    I have Greenhouse envy!....Truly spectacular against the beauty of the magnificent views. Your greenhouse filled with magnificent blooms and garden decor present your passion for gardening and graciously share with all of us to enjoy. I so remember the Novel of my fav blog was the best!...I wish you a most wonderful summer filled with beautiful blooms!

  4. What a glorious space! Every detail is sublime!

  5. Jain, I am so thrilled that you joined us today. As I have often said on Instagram, your garden is absolutely amazing! Every photo is breathtaking. I am also amazed at your energy, could you send me a bottle of it? The greenhouse is totally inspiring and I just love the way you style it. There is so much to take in on this post, I will revisit time and time again. Your garden should be on the cover of a major magazine. Your flower variety of all the reds is gorgeous, and it makes a powerful statement. It has been a treat to all my senses to have you join us for Monday Morning Blooms! Happy Gardening!

    1. You are so kind pam, thank you for allowing me to play with you all today!

  6. Your new greenhouse is dreamy! So many pretty things to enjoy :)

  7. Beautiful post, Jain. Your greenhouse is fabulous! Your husband did a great job building it and you did a great job decorating it. So beautifully done and I'm sure you are changing it all the time. It should be featured in a magazine.
    I remember your blog from a long time back with the Novel Baker series. I enjoyed those blogging days.
    I hit the button on a comment early this morning but it disappeared! Glad you were a guest bloomer today.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, appreciate your visit!

  8. Wow Jain, your greenhouse is over the top amazing! I love all the ladybugs and red and white flowers everywhere!!! It looks like a professional flower shop, and I guess it is as you are obviously a professional florist! Your gardens are incredible! Love the Petal Pusher sign, too cute! Thanks for the tour and for sharing your piece of flower and garden heaven!

  9. So beautiful Jain. Your green house is. Showpiece. Love your red pillows and the lady hugs. The artist is so darn cute. You always amaze me with your gardening skills plus a fantastic designer. I miss our get togethers. We should try to plan on meeting. Such a pleasure to read this post.

    1. Thank you for all your compliments! Love to get together, are your nails ready for a date?!

  10. Jain, we are so thrilled to have you as our special guest for this Monday Morning Blooms! It is absolutely delightful to visit your garden, and your greenhouse. What fun you must have in there! So much to see, so much to love. You truly have a gardener’s heart and a green thumb. Xo Lidy

  11. Oh my, Jain, what a beautiful mess, and I say that with the utmost respect! Wow! Your greenhouse appears to have been there much longer than the past winter's construction with all those plant cuttings, petals and more. What a dream come true! All the artful elements did not go unnoticed either (your ladybug is quite the artist!), and your watering can collection and armillaries make me enviably green. But it's all that beauty in red, white and everything in between which really steals the show here. The table setting with strawberries delights, and the lounger with all the pillows right outside invites. What a wonderful guest you are in participating in Monday Morning Blooms. Happy summer!

    1. thank you for the sweetest compliments, you are just too kind!

  12. Jain, I'm late visiting, but oh, how exciting it was to open this post! Your gardens has long captivated me, and I find it totally amazing that you do all this work solo. I know Scott contributes his skills too. The new greenhouse is totally awesome. I congratulate you and Scott on this new space. The outdoor lounging area is so inviting as is the table setting within. Your abundance of flowers, the watering cans, the clever quotes - all total charm. How fun!
    Happy Summer!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment, very much appreciated 😊

