Sunday, April 3, 2022

more lions share~

the lions share garden is my work in progress, started last fall its only half completed, we ran out of pavers and have to wait until summer, hoping they have more to finish the other half of the garden. This is my perennial garden set in a formal lay out with the ivy house as the focal point.

on the right side of the garden is my formal rose garden, you can see the deer fencing is covered in blooming banksaie with a bearded iris border in front.

eventually the mirror image of the beds above will flow down towards the iris garden.

the tuteurs are planted with numerous clematis

iris palladia lines the main walkway

sitting in the ivy house, you look out on the perennial beds, further out onto the rows of bearded iris.

i spread heavy mulch on the other half of the garden to come, hoping to improve the soil while we wait on pavers. this fountain was salvaged from the fire, to damaged to hold water its now a planter i cherish from the past. 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! You could charge admission, finished or not. Love your fountain turned planter and I'm so smitten with your design and Scott's handiwork on those tuteurs with sprinklers. ♥

