Tuesday, March 8, 2022

morning walk~

 I'm sure its no surprise i adore being in my garden daily, but only once a year i am forced to alter my freedom and gather all our tax information. I vowed to start early, but when i saw the morning light hit the pool dirt i just couldn't resist a morning walk...

i can already feel me swimming in the warm summer sun... 

i know thats not going to happen either, but i can dream!

We got the three pool boulders in place, I will plant them with white flowers to blend in with the main border.

the backyard trees are in their glory, from florabunda crabapples

to mt fuji and yoshino cherry trees

i have to say i love a white garden...

i also adore borrowing my neighbors blue water views...

this is the first year the forsythia are really excelling with their golden bounty...

lady banks is on the verge of blooming, i used it as an 8' high living fence to keep the deer out of the rose garden, soon the 300' of fence and arbors will be smothered in yellow and white...

Back to reality, i was forced to do paperwork into the early afternoon, it just drives me crazy when i can't be outdoors all day long!


  1. Gorgeous blooms and dose of spring! It's one spring step forward and two winter steps back for us. After temps in high 70s it's going to be 25 this weekend.

    1. Thank you, we have been seesawing with weather too!

  2. You are enjoying a beautiful Spring!

  3. The blooms are so beautiful and the pool is going to be grand. I hope they can finish it sooner.

