Saturday, February 5, 2022

garden days~

its that time of year, ok i am actually late, pruning 3-400 roses is daunting! my tools of the trade, i will spare you all the bloody pictures of my countless wounds...

there are only a handful of flowers, but i cherish each one...

i have barely done 20%, this is the before picture, some roses are well over 6' tall and wide, with canes nearly 2" thick...

after, the concentric beds and pathways are visible again

these grandiflora are at least 7' tall waiting to drain my blood..

the daffodils are slowly unfurling by the bear bench. 

in the greenhouse the acacia is my centerpiece, this is the first time I've filled my largest urn, the arrangement is 4' wide and nearly as tall.

costco was a little too tempting for me with the new greenhouse...

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine pruning that many roses, I know what my arms look like after trimming our six bushes! Rosie is such a sweet gardening companion. ♥

