Wednesday, February 2, 2022

a typical day in the garden~

my mornings start early with the dogs and visit to the greenhouse, they get treats while i check out the seedlings and water the plants. 

todays project was creating a new pathway seeded with California poppies. I am hoping this area will become a mass of orange in spring, but with the drought i am fearful they will not get to germinate with zero water on the horizon...

i spread out two large containers of poppy seeds, ever hopeful!

this mornings mail had my large seed order, i quickly dumped out 44 seed packets anticipating my joy to come!

back to work i go, i spent several hours pruning and shredding roses, its a mere drop in the bucket, i am overwhelmed at my constant future in the rose garden... i collected a fistful of roses spared from the shredder and headed back to the greenhouse to enjoy them there. my favorite sight by the nursery, adjacent to the greenhouse, is the acacia tree in full bloom.

inside i keep spreading the joy with mixed bouquets dotting the shelves...

 tomorrow i will be up early and will be right back out the door, shredding roses until every last one is trimmed, which i fear is the entire month of feburary!


  1. I love that took time out to play before you're back to the salt mines shredding roses. I can't even begin to imagine how much work that is since cutting our 6 bushes back is such a chore...*ouch*. Love your sweet helpers. I hope Mother Nature cooperates and waters your seeds, your pathway will be a thing of beauty. ♥

  2. You must be having so much fun playing. The dogs look so darn cute. There are lots of seeds there. You are busy as ever.

