Wednesday, January 12, 2022

in the grand scheme...

starting at dawn, the sky is vibrant looking east to the snow capped sierras...

mid day the fog rolls below in the valley, billowing enough to look like a fire.

looking to the west, you can see the sutter buttes silhouetted against the unusual snow covered coastal range

the sunset takes on a fiery glow

the fog is hiding the sutter buttes


  1. Gorgeous and so happy to see the snow covered mountains..hopefully will help with the drought conditions. When we were in Tahoe last fall the smoke was pretty bad. Nice to see these beautiful photos!

  2. Your photos are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing. Those peaceful photos made my day.

  3. Jain, what beautiful photos. There is something special for you to see each day of the year..Happy New Year..xxoJudy

  4. Gorgeous vistas and views! Love those trees silhouetted against the sky. ♥

