Sunday, November 14, 2021

sunday follow up in the garden~

 my husband finished the second trellis in the lions garden, the upper half is officially done now. 

tucked behind my nursery something yellow caught my eye in the golden light, to my surprise a wild grape is thriving

the girls joined me where the greenhouse will be as i tucked a few plants in the border

my neighbor sent me this darling pic of her dog piper with a pink crown


  1. Hi Jain. The water trellis look beautiful and what a wonderful idea Function teamed up with beauty. Perfect for your garden. The girls are so sweet and that crown is such a great picture..Happy week to you..xxoJudy

  2. Lucky you, Scott is so handy. It all looks beautiful Jain. The fur babies are so cute.

  3. All so gorgeous, I am in love with those trellises! Such a cute portrait of your neighbor's dog with her corona of pink grass. :)

