Saturday, July 17, 2021

the lion's share update~

its been a while since i posted about the lion's share garden progress, i love looking back as the years roll by, i use my blog like a visual diary. right now things have come to a screeching halt in the garden, just at the pinnacle of fun i injured my leg and have not been able to stand, much less stroll, walk or work my garden... perfect time to update the pics from the last month in the lions garden...

at the end of june we began laying the pavers, we have to work from the top down with the pathways.

next comes the exterior wall and planter to sharply define the lion's share garden

the raised planters are to hold my dahlias, we laid hardware cloth to stop the gophers from dining

i have been collecting dahlias in pots for 2 years for these raised planters, i could not have been happier to finally get them in the ground! this bed holds 70 dahlias, i pruned them all to 12-18" before planting to encourage bushy multi-stemmed healthy blooming plants... 

the side beds flanking the ivy house are doing terrific, filled with fall colors of sages in purple and blues, with long blooming red crepe myrtles, red twig dogwoods for winter interest next to the boxwood hedge and the path is lined with lavender.

i wanted red to tie the garden back to the barn

the first week of july, it was time to order several transfer loads of fill dirt and begin contouring the lion's share

sadly, we were hit with 110 degree temps for days, despite watering the dahlias daily they couldn't take the shock of summer and every single dahlia lost every ounce of green... i have a flat bed of nothing, not sure if their eyes are viable after weeks, ok months of endlessly high temperatures...

only time will tell if the endless supply of mulch i cover every single plant with, the moment they are i the ground, is working miracles down under...

the lions share is set up as 4 quadrants of 4 to be filled with annuals and perennials. i am SO close to having the color garden i have been craving since we moved in. we were just doing the pathway to define my first 4 beds when i tore a tendon, i was flat on my back for 3 days, on the 4th day i went nursery shopping to fill those beds coming, i overdid it and have been back on my back for more days then i can count. my knee is so unstable i have crutches arriving today, i will happily hobble around my garden, i am sure just being back outside will be my best medicine and maybe get this healing process speeded up because i have so much i want and need to do outside i don't want to let to let these days keep slipping by...

Plants in the lions share garden

 top ivy house border

Variegated red twig dog wood 3
Mexican sage 6
Red rocket crepe Myrtle 2
Skyscraper dark purple salvia
Rocking fuchsia salvia
Lavender meerlo 3
Green beauty box wood 18
English lavender Super blue 10

Ivy house 
star showers virginia creeper 4

creeping fig 4

Red rocket crepe Myrtle 2
Variegated red twig dog wood 3
Mexican sage 5
Salvia amistad
Green beauty box wood 18
English lavender 10
Allen chickering salvia 3
Variegated pride of Madeira

South border

Snowdrift crabapple  2
Rice flower dark pink 2

North border dahlias

Colarette 8



Pacific Ocean




Double Jill

Double jill



Show and tell




Santa claus

Santa claus

Color spectacle


Belle of barmera 


Myrtles folly


Lake tahoe


Duet like


Penhill dark monarch


Thomas edison

Thomas edison





Nadia Ruth 

Nadia Ruth

Nadia Ruth


Nadia Ruth?




Rip city

Rip city

Lavender perfection 

Lavender perfection 


Arabian night

Aliens clair-obscur


Hy trio

Lilac time

Marble ball

Moms special 



Top border left

Palladia border

Row 1

Dancing blue koi 5
Wall flower
Blue king Siberian iris
Honorable lord 2
Blue king Siberian iris
Wall flower
Runaround sue 4

Row 2

Emile debatene peony
Emile debatene peony

Row 3

Cyber grape 4
Sarah Bernhardt
Whales tail 3

Row 4

Plum fun 4
Cheesecake Japanese iris
Concord crush Siberian iris
Damsel in a dress 2
Concord crush Siberian iris
Cheesecake Japanese iris
divergence 3

scilla Peruvian 5
Blueberry Pie Japanese iris

....Plants for the first quadrant A ...

All Center pots 
Muhlenbergia capillaris

Square 1 top left
Deep red and burgundy

Row 1
Dahlia city lights purple 4, reddish dinner plate Dahlia .... pennisetum Rubrum purple fountain grass, New look celosia 18 ... Red Monarda 2  (fireball?), Monarda red Jacob cline, blockbuster dark red vinca 12

Row 2

Purple fountain grass, 2 Indian summer coleus, 2 ruby slipper coleus .... Red hibiscus Vintage wine ... Purple fountain grass, 2 campfire coleus, 2 sweet potato vine

Row 3

Xxl taxco Dahlia 4, mystic enchantment Dahlia 5, cosmos choca mocha 4

Square 2 top right
Blue and white

Row 1
Russian sage 2, lacey blue 2 ... Shasta daisy 6 ... Agastache blue boa 3

Row 2
Obedient plant ... Salvia black and blue ... Gaura belleza white evolution, l. whirling butterflies 2 (red stems pink buds), Lindheimeri sparkle white

Row 3
Pep talk penstemon, veronica speed well 3 ... Freak daisy 4 ... midnight penstemon 2, salvia nemorosa meadow sage 3

Square 3 bottom right
pink and purple

Square 4 bottom left
Org and yellow

Row 1
Stella de oro 8, butterfly weed butterfly kisses 2 ... Picasso dwarf canna 10ish, crocosmia Lucifer 5 ... Cheyenne spirit cone flower 5

Row 2
South seas daylily 3, Dahlia 2 yellow red Xxl, Santa Cruz daylily 3

Row 3
Mystic illusion (yellow) 4 ... spin top orange halo blanket flower 3 ... Creme de cognac 4 ... Uptick gold and bronze 3 ... Mystic Haze 5 ?

1 comment:

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your knee/leg. How did you tear a tendon, a fall? I'm so sorry to hear and I hope it heals quickly and that you’re able to navigate with your crutches. Despite that I’m amazed at what you and Scott have accomplished. You deserve more than a 3 day rest, just not the pain that goes with it. What a labor of love! Can’t wait to see the ivy house smothered in green walls. Take care ♥

