Tuesday, March 30, 2021

garden walk about

The warm weather arrived this week, instantly color became the main theme in the garden!


The rose garden is lush with new foliage

Crabapples are in their full glory

Along with flowering cherry and pear trees, and not to mention a full orchard bursting alive

Evergreen and deciduous clematis are scrambling into bud

And the iris are just putting up their show stalks


  1. Love your gardens. Everything looks beautiful. It was a pleasure walking around and taking in the beauty. Lots of hard work is laying off.

  2. So much spring beauty! We're still brown and gray here with patches of green with just a few exceptions of pear trees and fringe flower. We had a freeze last night but it was windy so I'm keeping fingers crossed that all the buds on the viburnum and spirea didn't get zapped.

