Thursday, March 11, 2021

In the garden this week

Spring was oh so close all winter long...

Until this week when a very cold front moved in on Monday, followed with hail and snow yesterday leaving a crusty white wonderland...

I have owned my frog collection for thirty years, this is their first snow...

Seeing the rose garden lined in white was an eye opener

Before the wet weather we almost finished the lower section of the nursery by adding a planter and seating area. We repaired and cemented the gate, all that's left is securing the deer fence, planting and adding some comfy chairs to relax in after a hard day of potting in my nursery 😉

I have been exceptionally busy in my garden the last two weeks, with so far 36 truckloads of wood chips, every day I move 40 yards by tractor, which I later will fine tune with a pitchfork. 

This is my version of Christmas, I always need mulch, as quickly as I spread it I am always in need of more to complete my garden...

Even thickly covered in ice I was out bright and early spreading my version of garden joy! 


  1. Wow that is a lot of mulch! Your garden is coming together so nicely. Such beauty to see everyday. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. xoxo

  2. Your flowers are beautiful and oranges in the snow!! How did you like it? It still is pretty white around here but the sunshine is bright so it won't last long. Maybe more next week? You are a hard worker and your beautiful homeland sure shows it. WHat a gorgeous summer you have to look forward to..Stay well..xxoJudy

  3. So beautiful. I don't recognize the blue and white flowers what are they?

  4. What a blessing for all your hard and Loved work to have fresh flowers all the time! I had my first hummingbird visitor today. I've had a feeder out since just after the frigid cold though had not seen/heard one til today. I also bought and made hanging baskets of coral colored petunias for them! Thankfully the snow and ice did not kill all the wild flowers so I think the hummers and the bees will be ok! xo Robin

  5. We were all set for Spring, here in southern Minnesota, but good old Mother Nature decided to throw us some snow. We'll be in the 60's here on Sunday!

  6. So surreal, your dusting of snow! I bet the citrus and frogs were shocked :) I can't imagine moving that much mulch...your pitchfork and your back are gonna get a workout!

