Monday, January 4, 2021

it is that time of the year...

the rose garden is waning, the cold wet weather has finally arrived...

with blooms still gorgeous, but not at their best,

its time for the blood letting! ok, pruning... its a daunting task in this 10,000 sq foot rose only garden! its time to take the unruly...

and begin to tame it all for spring...

before you can see canes 15' high...

now whipped into submission!

its taken me 3 days just to do this one hundred foot long border...

another day to clear the swing and weave the canes in the arbor top

cecile brunner is a monster, i had to take a hedge trimmer to this section or it would have taken me a full week to hand prune just this tall screen!

i will be pruning this entire month, with several hundred roses and just one main gardener, me, its a slow bloody process...

worth every glorious moment in the first flush of spring!

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