Tuesday, January 19, 2021

garden chronicles, in the rose garden update

 Since the rose garden started these pillars have been a temporary eyesore, finally its their time! We have had these columns for 26 years! Our old neighbors left for a world tour in 1994, they ended up staying in Bali and never returned to the U.S. , but before that decision they shipped crates home of things they collected along the way. We purchased these from them in 94 and they had been in crates on our old property the entire time untouched. 

These hollow halves had been temporarily wired closed and were just partially painted as high as I could reach, waiting for their turn for completion...

The reason they sat so forlorn this year was we needed to wait for winter to weld the top out of fire season. They are fragile, fearing packing the center with concrete might cause more harm then good we opted for foam insulation and cement glue for the seams.

As always, we have the dynamic duo passing through inspecting our progress...

I could not be happier for the 26 year wait! 

One down, one to go!


  1. Beautiful. Makes such a serene place to rest and enjoy.

  2. I Love how they look.. like a wonderful place in Tuscany! Lucky You and yours...

  3. I wish I had your vision. Do you have to pinch yourself with all you've accomplished or are you and your hubby's aching muscles enough to remind you? I can't wait to see it covered in blooms! ♥

