Monday, July 6, 2020

Garden chronicles, the peonies

After two years of deliberation on where to do a peony garden, I threw my hands in the air and just pointed to a border edging a shrub border, it's time to get them planted! Period! I won't lie, I am a complete fool to plant them in the high 90s for the next few weeks, but it's just as hard to water them in pots while I dilly dally about where for years! I like to keep records of my plants, so I always know what's planted where, next year I will add pictures as they hopefully bloom and thrive in the future.

Frog holler

Edulis superba 2
karl rosenfeld
Sarah bernhardt 2
Margaret Truman 
karl rosenfeld
sorbet 2
Karl rosenfeld 2
Blitz Torte

Black beauty 2
(Duchess de Nemours 2)
Mons Jules elie  5
Shirley temple 3
karl rosenfeld
lady alexandra duff

Sorbet 3
Kansas 3
Bowl of beauty 3
lady alexandra duff
red supreme
sarah bernhardt

Krinkled white 3
Dr Alex Fleming 3
Festiva maxima

Emile debatene 3
Do tell
Lady liberty
Gay paree
Petite renee
Lemon dream
Coral charm
Pink Hawaiian coral

frog bench at gate 

red supreme
margaret truman

By the casita

Red tree peony

White garden

Miss America 5

Shirley temple 6

1 comment:

  1. Oh your peony garden is going to rival your roses! I have a couple in pots that are limping along waiting to be planted this fall.

