Monday, June 15, 2020

kitchen garden update~

the kitchen garden is in place! so excited, it is now fully planted and just needs a few finishing pieces to call it officially done. the special valves arrived today to get the irriagation in place, the stairs need to be poured, tomato cages made and another metal arch welded and installed, but the hard work is almost in the rear view mirror, bring on the produce!
I added blue boy clematis to mingle with lady in red at the entrance arch.
the bees and hummingbirds have been busy enjoying all the herbs
the water hyacinth is blooming in the fountain

I planted catnip for my only cat that goes outside, he totally ignored it, flopped down and took a HUGE bite of basil! I promptly put him back inside, that I am not willing to share!
thankfully I have about 60' of basil edging all the planters!
I ate my first sunsweet tomato!
Katie approves of the new garden, i just need to keep her out of the beds and on the pavers! 

1 comment:

  1. *Gasp*...what a beautiful garden with all your stonework and raised beds. Do you have to pinch yourself with all you created or do your aching joints and weary back remind you? :) Love it ALL! Funny about your cat. One of our cats couldn't care less about catmint but was crazy over celery leaves. Have you ever giving your cats celery leaves? Try that and see what kind of reaction you get.

