Thursday, June 4, 2020

climbing roses in the garden f-p

my climbing roses in the garden from f-p, with notes,
 *** means I love it, its a stand out!


this is its first year for me, so far not happy, the flower heads all hang down, not sure if it was from a hot wet spring, or if this is what you see is what you get...

***fourth of july***

***this is one of my many favorites, loved this for decades, each flower is different, a vibrant burst of spring and summer patriotic fun!

joseph's coat
love this multicolor gem, had it at my old house for thirty years, life wouldn't be the same without joseph's coat...

***lady in red***

this is my first year growing this, was not impressed at first, but when it kicks into full bloom it is a spectacular and new favorite!

pearly gates

so far not happy, only a year old but still only 2' high, my worst performing climber so far...

***purple splash***

love this, started off slow and faded to red, but this year its my best performer on the tuteurs, I adore striped roses!


1 comment:

  1. My kingdom for your energy and your hubby's welding talent! Love those roses on your tuteurs!

