Saturday, May 9, 2020

garden chronicles, the clematis

~the main path~


2 at main path gate entrance 10-12'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


unknown dark blue clematis bottom center path
hf young bottom center path 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


bourbon midway up center path 4-6'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

pink fantasy midway u center path 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

pink champagne midway up center path 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

killian donahue midway up center path 8-10'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


2 general sikorski top of main path 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


Guernsey cream
 2 on Road side entry gate 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter



2 on main side path 10'
Group 3
Hard prune winter



 earnest markham top path south 10-12'
Group 3
Hard prune winter

Dr ruppel top path south 6-12'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


 montana on swing 20-30'
Group 1
Flowers old wood, don't prune

C and D
4 multi blue behind tunnel 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

 Mrs N Thompson behind tunnel 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


 Vancouver cotton candy above bottom corner bench 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

 Nellie moser above arch top 8-10'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


 Guernsey cream 6-8'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


Blue boy with rose 6'
Group 3
Hard prune

romantika right side 8-10'
Group 3
Hard prune winter

niobe left side 8-10'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


Evergreen clematis

blue light 8-10'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter


2 rouge cardinal 2 gate 6-12'
Group 3
Hard prune in winter

Kilian Donahue 4 front fence
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter

jackmani Canal gate 10-12'
Group 3
Hard prune winter

Blue ravine Gate fence 8-10'
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms



Crystal fountain 5-7'
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms

Diamantina 5-6' 
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms


Florida sieboldii 6-8'
Group 3
Hard prune winter

Elsa spath 6-10'
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms


Duchess of Edinburgh 8-12'
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms

~ladies in waiting~

blue bush

Clare De lune 8-10'
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms

comtesse de bouchard 7-12'
Group 2 or 3
Prune 1/2 in winter
Hard prune

Henryi 10-12'
Group 2
Prune 1/2 in winter
Jackmani 10-12'
Group 3
Hard prune winter

Westerplatte 5-9
Group 2
Light prune spring after blooms


  1. I love your list. We planted two beside the arbor (next to a climber rose), and I'm looking forward to seeing them bloom again. Today, I planted the last 300 daffodil bulbs and 160 tulips. I managed to get a total of 1500 daffodils in the ground this year. Now, except for forcing a few bulbs for the holidays, I'm putting the garden to bed. Reluctantly. 😄 Wishing you a beautiful holiday.

    1. Can't wait to see your bulbs, I miss your blog for beauty and fun... We are finally getting rainy days sprinkled about, I miss gardening all days long, I feel a loss when I'm not puttering around outside for 8 hours! Merry Christmas to you too, it's been exhausting getting this house Christmassy!

  2. Your clematis garden is going to rival your roses! Beautiful! ♥ Fun to see the comment from ML...miss our NB fun but maybe not all the work :)

