Monday, February 10, 2020

february garden

last week it was bitter cold in the 20s, yesterday was very cold and windy, in fact the sierras clocked in at 209 mph, highest on record for our state, today we hit 70 degrees. I hope this is just an aberration this week, we need winter to return with loads of snow and rain, but until then, it sure looks and feels like spring... 
its been so dry sprinklers are needed in winter...
I love woodpeckers, I have a couple of nests in the oaks that house 6-8 birds
talked my husband into making a few bird boxes, can't wait to see if, when and who will use them. the directions said this box size will work for owls, hawks and woodpeckers
my latest find, the perfect base for a glass table in my conservatory to come in the rose garden.
my husband welded this huge trellis to support cecile brunner
all the roses have been prunned
just one circle path left to finish the pavers
been getting 100s of yards of mulch this winter, working diligently to cover all my garden areas for a weed free spring~


  1. Beautiful flowers! We have lots of snow and cold, here in Minnesota.

  2. Wow what a project! The trellises are amazing! The garden looks beautiful.

  3. Just so beautiful! It's been really cold here for the last few days. Can't wait until Spring!

  4. You have such a handy hubby! I know you're thrilled to have received all that mulch too. ♥

