Monday, January 6, 2020

garden updates, into the new year~

been working faithfully all year to get our new garden in shape. the pyracantha berries have been feeding the birds all winter, when I was a kid they used to eat them and get so drunk they would crash into our windows, so far we are still intact...

the last hold out with fall color, they are the first to bloom in winter

penstemon is still blooming in the border

surprisingly I have had reblooming iris for months...

I don't think I am ever without red hot poker flowers year round

the citrus is ripe and ready

rosemary has been blooming for months

the acacia is budding fast

we have been working hard in the rose garden, every time we get a new path done in pavers I prune the roses to 1', I just have 60 roses left to prune, which means two more circle paths until the rose garden is done!

the garden has 6 pathways radiating our from the center to the borders, just two more rings and we will be done!

I have been pruning, shredding and mulching 100s of roses for weeks, any weeds you see are the last of the pathways we still need to lay...

tucked up in the tiles the woodpeckers have been storing acorns all fall

as the rose garden pulls itself together we purchased 1200 pounds of steel to make scads of arbors and tuteurs, thank heavens my husband enjoys welding!

just dead headed the canna, its been blooming nonstop since summer, even with temps in the low 20s, and our fountains frozen solid, the geraniums have been pumping out color...

put up a large 10' trellis to support an evergreen clematis behind the bear bench. it is surrounded with tulips and grape hyacinth, now I can look forward to a beautiful wall of flowers and fragrance wafting around me on a warm spring day.

if anyone can tell me what these are would love to know, been here 2 years and all they do is get bigger, no flower spikes. I wanted my husband to dig them out, just noticed today they have a woody base, yippee we can chainsaw them out this weekend! being in our courtyard I want to replace with red roses.

this is our next project stockpile, a kitchen garden by spring! it will be 1000 square feet of raised beds off the kitchen area.

we brought my plant racks up for the old house, this will be the future site of the greenhouse and cutting garden beds.

so many ideas, so little time...


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