Tuesday, November 5, 2019

garden walks~

my old house has an abundance I yearn to recreate here, the first thing I planted at the new house was 2 pomegranates, I was thrilled to get my first softball fruit. the next day the fruit was so full and heavy it split...
fall is my favorite season, one can never have to much color in life!
this poor tree snapped in a windstorm its first year, it has now rewarded me with this gorgeous molten red in the dawns early light
the nights are cold and the days have settled into high 70s for weeks with no rain in months, the bees are desperate for nectar, every ounce of floral color is smothered in hungry bees.
every clear day I am awestruck with magnificent sunsets and dawns...
rather perplexed to find my redbud blooming...
I have 100s of rose varieties, but if I could only recommend one it will be this climber sally holmes. it is unique, giant floral heads like hydrangeas, it opens white and pales to pink, its been a favorite for decades for me and a very welcome sight in my new rose garden...
distant drums opens coffee and fades to mauve
my first rebloomoing iris in the rose garden, since this is a cooler climate I worried it would not happen here but several varieties are appeasing me~
rose garden patio in progress
the sunset across the valley, directly over the massive Healdsburg fire, first day
we lost a 30' limb in the winds
I wasn't concerned until I realized it was too high up for husband to safely remove. we are not young, having my husband scale the tree would be fine in our 30s, but late 60s feels different...
watching this drop was a relief, enough I said, we will leave the last hanging 5' section up another 10' for when we hire a tree trimmer in spring. I dash off to other projects, only to discover my husband ignored my pleas and climbed up another 10'! I was grateful to have missed the whole thing, since it all went well because I would have been screeching stop the entire time!


  1. You grew pomegranates! I will have to scroll back up to see where in the world you live. It sounds like Heaven!

