Tuesday, August 6, 2019


My inner circle is breaking, 15 years ago I found three litters of kittens three weeks old on my property, I bottle fed and raised them all, sadly time and age is weighing heavy these days. The cats were feral, I was only able to tame half of them, those were the ones that sought me out for more than food and shelter, they craved my love and attention, my inner circle...
I lost one of my fab five a few months ago, I still miss her dearly, losing Sadie is starting to cut deep. I have a regular crew that spends their time with me, losing their presence these days is starting to haunt me, and the future will only bring more heartache. As hard as it is to lose them, I am glad we were able to love and care for them over the years, I always thought Sadie would live into her twenties, Siamese have such long life spans, but cancer had other plans for her...

We love you Sadie lady, we will miss you dear sader lederhosen


  1. My condolences. They become family.

  2. Our pets are family...ours are getting up there in age too. Dread when we have to say goodbye to them but loving them now. Sending condolences.

  3. Your life stressors you describe, ARE MINE RIGHT NOW. MY city kills certain dog breeds it "collects". I started personally rescuing those breeds as I found them. People discard them whenever..! I had 6 big ones, 3 boys and 3 girls. Age and cancer has taken 4 in the last 13 months. They are inside kids and go outside for leashed walks and pppp'd. Those 4 went to a pet crematorium and came back in a small box. They sleep next to me on my bed. Betty, a 15yo Rotty, and Bella, a 19yo Lab mix, sleep under the bed. Bella will be leaving us, to join her bros and sis, bc she's big and her legs/joints are giving out. But,they all get/got excellent food, and care/love. Betty is skinny but misses her family too. She's 15yo. I CRY AND CHOKE UP EVERYDAY! PEOPLE HAVE SOO MANY PROBLEMS, USUALLY SELF MADE, THAT THEY CAN'T FIND KINDNESS FOR OTHERS OFTEN. BUT, MY ANGELS AND YOURS KNOW OUR HEARTS ARE THERE FOR THEM, AND I BELIEVE THE UNIVERSE SENDS ITS ANGELS TO HELP US, IN THANKS FOR HELPING ITS SMALLER "CHILDREN". HUGS TO YOU AND YOUR KIDS. I GREW UP WITH CATS... MIKE

    1. I am so sorry for you, losing your dogs is heartbreaking, I love my cats, but dogs go everywhere with us, the loss of one is hard, but four would be soul crushing. The joy pets bring overides the pain, but when your in the thick of it the loss is overwhelming... Thank you for caring for your dogs, may your heart always been open for more.

  4. Thank you. I just hope someone in my future will help me up when I fall down, like I do with Bella. As I shared earlier, I grew up with cats, Siamese and others. I know how you feel!.. Mike

  5. You have given such a sweet life to your rescues and kitties. It's so hard to say goodbye. ♥

