Tuesday, April 23, 2019

california garden moments

crinkled white peony looks so muck like romenya I did a double take
there are commercial bees across the pasture, I reap the benefits...
I don't know how they can fly with so much pollen weighing them down!
 I read a bee produces one teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
our newest addition, bumbee, this was my big yellow easter egg present, she is my busy as a bumblebee garden buddy, with 11 acres in fire country she is on full time duty while the grass is still green!
one half of the rose tunnel is up!
just a slice of my quiet life in ...

1 comment:

  1. I got a kick out of your big yellow bumblebee and SO ENVIOUS of your visiting bees! I know you log a lot of driving miles with your earbuds in! I haven't seen the number of bees I usually do this spring yet. I'm hoping they weren't all sprayed by Farmer Brown working in the field across from my shed...

