Monday, March 4, 2019

a rainy walk...

it has been an exceptional wet California winter, I can't recall the last time the sun has made a 24 hour appearance. it has stopped all gardening endeavors, with more still on the horizon all this week, yes, the drought is officially over! between downpours I try to scout some color, the nandina berries have been feeding the birds all winter, their bright red color is a welcome splash of constant color...
the camellia bushes have been almost beaten flat to the ground, I tied them up to enjoy their brilliant faces~

the almond and flowering plum trees are trying to bloom, but they are constantly beaten back...

one lone iris tries to shine...

feeling more like the pacific northwest than California, I think its been since the late 80s that is has rained for so long and so steady!


  1. Oh your photos make me yearn for Spring! A few more weeks but it's been unusually cold here. 20's and even lower wind chill. I love your Camelia ...such a gorgeous flower. I am going to try one that is supposed to be hardy in our zone. I have been missing the sun's suppose to make an appearance tomorrow!

  2. It's still lovely even in the rain!! We have frigid temps this week (sub zero) and snow, snow, snow. I'm tired of shoveling!

  3. Hello! It has been a long time since I checked in with your beautiful blog. Your photos are wonderful.

