Sunday, February 17, 2019

rose garden winter update

its been rather a wild weather winter, I cherished those warm 60 plus degree days that had me working feverishly in the new rose garden, but then the rains came long and steady, weeks and weeks worth, with a day or two for drying out and more to come...
the start of 8' high deer fencing and the planting of a large circular garden with center and side alleys.

sitting home reading on a typical stormy morning I got an email from a friend that my favorite store was having a spur of the moment weekend sale, everything 20% off, I barely had time to turn off my computer before we were in the car, I knew just what I wanted, a new pedestal for a statue in the rose garden!
flora has been the love of my garden life for decades, she is still living at our other home, I am not sure how we could get her off the hill, I do love her dearly, this pedestal will not be for her, but for her cousin i am willing to embrace for our next chapter...
 an ode to my darling flora...

not only has it been exceptional wet, it has been cold! for days and days, ok weeks and weeks, its snowed tiny flurries a few times, but this morning I woke up to that wonderful white magic of pure joy and solitude...


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