Saturday, December 15, 2018

doggie advent*ures december fifthteenth

lets go play fetch!
Katie loves to grab all things wood, our property is kept very clean, but after a windstorm she happily drags branches twice her size wildly about the land.
if you own a border collie you know this look, she is stalking her prey...
so she can pounce and eat it!
I mean seriously devour wooden branches of all sizes...
cassie doesn't like fetch, but she will work for food, I point and say get it, she will casually stroll over and drop it at my feet, all for a cookie!
she is happy to guard katies pile...
Katie is wild over pinecones!
when she pins them down with her paw you know she is in for some serious dining...
thanks girls, I will take it from here...
I am sure I can put your wood to some good use~

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