Sunday, October 21, 2018

fall comes to the casita~

our guest cottage is a stones throw from the house, it has yet to be planted, but I wanted to see a bit of color for the season. I have so far planted climbing hydrangeas on the front wall, I yearn for it to fill in with white flowers in spring and dazzling fall color in autumn. on the right side of the door was a HUGE lilac that towered over the roof, I cut it down to bench height, it has quickly recovered for spring blooms to come.
genie, our giraffe, is not officially situated at the casita, but so far I enjoy seeing her out my kitchen window and will come up with a plan for her next spring. the casita does have a jungle theme so its hard to make her leave the area ;-)
I have planted a climbing red and white rose, bottlebrush, camellia and hydranges around the building, but the plan is to have a courtyard, color filled garden and fountain, fenced off from the deer, with a cute gate going out to the orchard.

1 comment:

  1. I'm lovin' every inch of this...beautiful autumn greetings including your kitty! What a surprise to scroll down from the squirrels, fox and kitty and spy your giraffe. :) I remember it in your other garden. You have a guest cottage too ...*sigh*

