Sunday, August 12, 2018

too many fires...


thank you to those that make all our lives safe!


  1. My heart has been with friends and our family in California. My sister in law lives just north of Redding near Shasta Lake and they evacuated for about a week. Devasating to see the damage in such beautiful areas. Her home was spared but many of her friends lost their homes. Will keep you in my prayers and hope for rain and a more gentle fall. Take care and stay safe!

    1. Thank you, your poor sister, that fire was/still is horrendous... my brother lost his house last fall in that other terrible fire, they both were very similar, lightning fast and unable to escape fast enough. I am so grateful for these men and women putting their lives on the line for everyone. We have a fire station a mile away from us, they get calls constantly, thank heavens they have squelched so many, but you never know when they will explode and run endlessly 😟 I get so emotional now when I see them head out, when people die because they can't escape the fury it eats away at me. We have seen many fires, but they are turning into voracious beasts that they say the likes they have never witnessed before...

  2. I think of you constantly whenever I hear 'fires in California'...I can't imagine living with that threat and fear. Especially to see it so close! So devastating. I hope that's the closest you ever get! Stay safe. ♥

