Tuesday, April 10, 2018

barn moments~

who doesn't love an old red barn!

our barn is pretty much untouched since we purchased the new house, the prior owner sheetrocked the entire interior and painted it a stark bright white. one year it might be nice to take it back down to wood slats, but for now this is where our feral cats live, a cozy comfy safe place for our senior cat population. they have sofas and blankets, red of course, cat towers, a fountain for drinking water and menagerie of animals I have collected since I was 17 years old to keep them company.

behind the barn we put in over thirty fruit trees. we hired a tree trimming service who brought ten men for two days to prune our ancient oaks, I was terrified of limbs crashing into the barn.

power was added and we hung metal buckets for lights for our nocturnal visits. the trees have solar fairy lights tucked into the trees to guide our way. we added the half glass door and screen in the back and behind the large double barn doors we added a screen door wall so we can toss the doors open for fresh air, my cats are 14 years old, to old to roam with the coyotes I used to see daily in broad daylight until we closed up the hole in the fence line. a contained cat is a safe cat! I hung a very large red alarm clock that we can see when the doors are open and we are tractoring by a hundred feet away.

the plan is to build a new large barn for my husband, I debate daily on what I want to do with this barn, add a screened in porch for the cats and I to enjoy the orchard, put a small greenhouse on the south side, add red planters on the sides for sunflowers, build a retaining wall and level a large area in front of the barn for a picnic table... we have plenty to do as is, but for now the cats are happy and I couldn't be happier anytime I glance over at our very own red barn.


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