Wednesday, January 24, 2018

garden chronicles, the trees~

its a rainy day, the perfect time to curl up by the fire with my new kitty and garden books...

mystery must have lived here before, the first night I crawled in bed I heard a cat yowling on my deck, my heart stopped, I have enough cats... for the next few months anytime I was at the house I spied her, at the barn, hunting, on the deck, at the back door, drinking from our fountains, she was ever present. and skinny... I cannot turn my eyes from animals in need. soon she was sleeping on the deck nightly...
I was bringing her food one morning with fuzzy slippers on, she RACED to me, I was afraid she was going to attack my feet as prey, then she began weaving round my legs, she wasn't feral! I quickly called a clinic to get in my little mystery cat, scooped her up and locked her in a bathroom for a week in case she had anything contagious. fast forward, she is one the THE BEST cats I have ever owned! poor thing had been shot, she is barely a year old, but she has zero fear. she is as loyal and smart as my border collie, she comes running to her name every time. she fits in perfect with the other cats and plays with katie. we named her mysty, she is our mystery, and for the mists that weave through the hills and her soft gray fur...

on to the garden, I like to keep records, at my age I need to remember what names I planted!

trees planted

 from the crescent ...
variegated box elder
star magnolia
white dogwood 4
florabunda crabapple
White dogwood
akebono cherry tree
mt Fuji cherry
lawsons cypress

Star Jasmine
Pink Jasmine
White clematis armandii early sensation
Guernsey cream clematis
Almond tree
Lawson cypress
mt Fuji cherry
akebono cherry
florabunda crabapple
star magnolia
Japanese maple

to north perimeter...
texas privet 8
green giant thuja 10
deodor 3
tupelo 2
lawsons cypress
green giant 6
redwood 5
prunus blireana
Krauter Vesuvius Purple Leaf Plum 2
trident maple
blue point junipe
Fort mncnair horse chestnut red
7 green giant thuja
lawsons cypress
pin oak or red maple
red maple
japanese maple
Japanese maple
Red oak/maple
baileys acacia
china berry 3
(sango kaku coral bark maple
Blood leaf Japanese maple
butterfly maple (variegated))

thuja yellow ribbon 3
liquid amber burgundy 3
Raywood ash
tafts golden cypress
box elder
festival liquid amber 7
corckscrew willow
Vitex blue
silver dollar eucalptus
ca pepper tree
Bradford pear
red maple
jaquemonti birch 2
Chinese pistache 3

Rose garden
Green giant 20
Laburnum 2


15 moonglow juniper
16 green giant thuja
16 moon glow juniper
6 Bradford pear
5 Italian cypress
5 Italian cypress
6 Bradford pear
16 green giant thuja
16 moon glow juniper
3 Italian cypress


native pines 4
Arizona cypress
oleander pink standard
oleander white standard
oleander pink standard 2
redwood 3
green giant 3
redwood 4
green giant 2
redwood gray 2
native pine
green giant 2
redwood 3
green giant 3
redwood 5
ginkgo 6
red maple 5
gingko 6
Chinese pistache 10
Redwood 4
California buckeye 2
sekkan sugi japenese cedar
lavender crepe myrtle
Snow drift crabapple 2
baileys acacia
purple fountain beech
nigra magnolia
eastern redbud 3
Blood leaf Japanese maple
western redbud 3
black diamond purely purple crepe myrtle 2
black lace sambucca
peppermint lace crepe myrtle 2
redwoods 6
Smoke tree royal purple 2
black walnut
baileys acacia
coffee cake persimmon
hychiya persimmon

west perimeter...
(see orchard)
yoshino cherry

front yard...
10 sky rocket juniper
ceonothus ray hartman
3 wilsonii olives
6 meyers lemons
eureka lemon
 Ca pepper
2 wonderful pomegranates
pink crepe myrtle
radiant red crepe myrtles 3
3 arbequina olive trees8
lawsons cypress
2 evergreen pears
robinia purple robe
red sunset maple (center)
raywood ash
autumn blaze maple (left)
oct glory maple (right)
liquid amber
black diamond radiant red crepe myrtle 3
2 Cleveland pears
Bradford pear (center)

rose garden
2 golden chain


  1. I think of you, especially, this week as i reminisce of Once in a Blue Moon. So many years ago when I first started following your journey through life. Thank you for all the inspiration to stretch and try more and do more on my level of expression of my little world! Love Mysty....she is where she belongs!

  2. She's a beauty and how great she's a perfect fit with your other kitties. I know she's thankful your took her in. :)

