Tuesday, June 16, 2015

morning tea table...


brighten your morning with a pretty spot of tea to start your day. stop by and visit the tea parties all week long with the novel bakers~


  1. Aqua and yellow are perfect seaside colors, evoking images of sun and sky, with a heaping dash of merriment, all backlit by a wash of blue sky and water. In this Sea Dream of a setting, you've also created a feast for the senses, along with sublime comfort--who wouldn't love to snuggle against those pretty pillows! Your dragonfly plates are whimsical, and the teapot linens are adorable. Each photo is like a page from a tea party book by the sea.

  2. Love that blue and yellow combo.

  3. oh your tea with the birds and the bees Jain! Too adorable, and perfect for a spot of tea with the girls after a morning walk on the beach!

  4. Holey Moley, I'm finally here. It didn't help that it was 100 degrees today and everything was melting including me...

    I loved your table when I snuck a peek this morning! The adorable bee teapot and napkin rings, plates and cute teapot towel. The view is beyond compare. I can't imagine 45 degrees this time of year. I would gladly put on a jacket to walk the dogs. I have take them for their walk at 6 am before the sun turns on full blast otherwise Gracie will fall out.

    Thanks for the tabletop fun, see you in the am :)

  5. Adorable dishes, and love the yellow / aqua combo. I'd love to buzz on over for a cup of tea.

  6. jain, before I could read on I had to pause and stare for awhile at your breathtaking header! How do you ever tear yourself away from that view?? And the sound of the ocean! I would be setting a tea table like yours every morning, especially with dragonflies and beehive teapots! Your succulent centerpieces is beautiful. Looking forward to more tea parties from you. Linda

  7. Love those colors of sun and sea!! I so enjoy your unique style and sense of abandon when you do your thing; you have a thought and then just play it out with such fun and unexpected whimsey, it is deligtful. The sea glass so unique and love how you use your beautiful measuring spoons at the tea table, funny this week, I thought a set of mine would be fun to separate and use that way also.
    How lovely a walk with your dog and friends on the beach and a little tea time afterward.
    Thanks for sharing.

