Tuesday, May 5, 2015

the novel bakers present...

just in time for cinco de mayo~

my abuela's table is a delightful illustrated journey of mexican cooking~







wishing you all a happy cinco de mayo! and yes, i finally did nap the afternoon away, only to redrink the hair of the dog at book club that night, ole!

for a far more sobering day, be sure to visit all the novel bakers today~


  1. Oh you were muy ambitious with book club and novel baking the same day! I am chuckling... I would have been worthless after sangria for breakfast :) but it is as easy to drink as it is to make! I have to confess my hubby was out of town this weekend so I mixed a pitcher on Thursday and finished it off by Sunday...*hiccup* :)

    Your pavlova is a thing of beauty...it looks like a masterpiece with drifts of powdered sugar, petals and berries. No one would every know it had been dropped. You amaze me, I bet your book club was thrilled and oohed and aahed...

    We love halibut, but it is so pricey on the east coast, I assumed it would be more affordable in your waters. I'm chuckling over "its still raw. i am raw."...glad to know it was muy bueno! The fish illustrations in the book float my boat. I can only imagine what my photos would have turned out like, snockered over sangria. The looks salad too wonderful too. Thanks for the delicious fun for Cinco de Mayo. She has a follow-up book I saw, maybe we can get smashed on sangria next year...Olé!

  2. jain,
    Can you hear me shrieking from all the way across country??? I love it when you get chatty! Hilarious~~yes, that Sangria did me in too and when I pulled up my photos way too many were not in focus at all. I know I thought they were as I was shooting them! And I was also struggling with the foil to cover my chicken!! It rolled away and after tearing it to pieces in frustration I used the pot lid instead.
    And your food still managed to come out looking amazingly delicious! Wait until you see my avocado salad mess. You will think about withdrawing my Novel Baker invitation for the future. Now I see from your salad what this was supposed to look like! It was yummy though.
    Flan~~I didn't even dare try that! Much less a pavlova at the same time!
    This was an interesting book and your choices were mine too although I eventually faced the fact that doing a strange fish and a flan at the same time would be so far beyond me, even without the Sangria to nourish me as I went. Your beautiful photos are tempting me to try again, though, with a glass of water for thirst quenching this time!
    Happy Cinco de Mayo and thanks for letting me play along!

  3. Ha, well Jain, I think you celebrated Cinco de Mayo the whole day long, and although you were frustrated and foggy, your food looks incredible as always and your photos are fabulous anyway! Good save on the pavlova, what a dish of heaven that must have been! The cookbook could not be more charming, thanks for sharing so many of the wonderful illustrations~

  4. I'll have a sip of that sangria, for sure. And when you turn around, I will gulp the whole damn thing. Yes, getting tipsy is just what this gal needs, as 2015 is whipping my butt. I'm telling you, despite the year that it took to bake your halibut, it was worth it. Fish has never looked this gorgeous, and the cake looks like it was made by the gods of dessert. Your humorous storytelling was a hoot! First time I've smiled in forever. And the beauty is unparalleled. Thanks for introducing me to this charming book and for organizing our adventure! Now let's have more sangria! xxoo

  5. OMG, you have me cracking UP! I never would have made it, smashed on Sangria. YOu are a TROOPER, girl! Everything looks delicious, I bet noone knew of any accidents. SO glad the halibut was GOOD!!!!

  6. Oh, my! Thank you so much for the great laughs! Amazing work considering you were tipsy, er, okay, smashed! The halibut looks amazing! The pavlova is gorgeous! If you didn't mention the accident, no one would have ever guessed. Now I'm inspired to try making dessert! Your photography is still amazing!

  7. I must admit I read your post a couple of days ago and have been smiling every time I think of it. Thanks for sharing your adventurous day and your beautiful creations. I popped over to Amazon and ordered the cookbook, can't wait for it to arrive.

  8. Hi Jain
    Your post is so funny, I am stil chuckling thinking about it. The roll of tin foil was classic. I loved how you kept pressing ooonnn despite the dilemma, bound and determined to pull it all together, while one disaster would only lead on to the next. This would make great reality TV!!! It is so funny because we have all been there and can definitely relate. Amazing how beautiful your post is and how no one would have known what had happened during the whole prep. An endearing post and one not soon forgotten!!! This will keep you chuckling years later! Ole'

