Wednesday, April 16, 2014

a fragrant moment~

the brugmansia was so sweetly scenting the air we had to heed the need to dine in pure bliss...

while i readied our table i had a silent little helper, she patiently sipped from the fountain...

and nestled under the coolness of the table

how much longer mom, i would really rather run and play in the garden

this is kinda boring mom...

now this is more like it, something worth howling about!

what time is lunch mom?


yep, this is much more fun up here!

is that bunny talking to me?

shall i say grace now?


  1. Your photography is stunning. The flowers with the sun shnning through is breathtakingly beautiful.
    Katie is the perfect guest, she is beautiful and makes your Eden Home even more lovely. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings Kathy

  2. thank you kathy, how sweet of you to comment~

  3. PS would love to see your rendition of a wine country table with grapes, vines, etc.
    Your lovely hillside looks like a grape growers paradise. Your unique style and stunning photography has a Sonoma like quality.
    Can you believe, I have never had the privilege to visit one but do love all things grape, including fresh grape juice and the color purple Thanks again, yours posts are my favorites

