Thursday, July 11, 2013

taking flight...


  1. I adore your Pots de Creme Birds! I never tire of seeing those CA hills and your creative tables~ perfectly color coordinated with your surroundings too!

  2. I just love those bird dishes and the mug with the birdie lid is so adorable! The whole table setting is lovely...I'd come for tea any day. And what a yummy surprise when you lift the lid!

  3. If I could I'd take flight straight to that beautiful setting for a spoonful of that pot de creme. I've long admired that sweet brown and white pattern, but have never come across any. Someday! '-)
    This is lovely. What did you use to suspend the hanging basket? It's a wonderful idea.

  4. The tablescape and the view make this all so amazing! The brown and tan pallet is one of my favorite. A joy stopping by to visit!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  5. Oh my, that was fun! I could spend all day here~I loved the surprise tucked into the cup with the sweet bird topper! Simply stunning table and setting!

  6. I love this. It's so playful and elegant.

