Monday, July 8, 2013

natures symphony...

a sing along, now put on a happy face~

And spread sunshine all over the place,

Just put on a happy face!

Put on a happy face

Put on a happy face


this song was brought to you by~

the 3 tenors

altos and sopranos

a chorus line


prominent soloists

a special thanks to the brass section

the choir

and for those of you who waited in line all day

thank you for the wonderful turn out, it was a glorious concert~


  1. WOW! Do they grow near you? What a wonderful sight that must be. Absolutely beautiful.

  2. Very clever and entertaining, Jain! A delightfully cheerful way to begin Monday, thanks for sharing.

    Glad to hear the delta breezes have brought you some relief from the heat.

  3. The only field of sunflowers I have seen this year was NOT turning their faces!! No idea why not. These are beautiful. Great narrative and are awesome, every angle!

  4. Reminds me of sunflower fields here in Kansas...

  5. Beautiful sunflowers, you would think you were in France.

  6. I don't think I have ever seem more lovely photos of happy sunflowers. It must be quite overwhelming to see them in person! Gorgeous!

  7. What a glorious sight to behold... we have to wait til late August for those sunny faces and I've never seen a field so grand! Definitely spreads sunshine me way :)

  8. Only in France have I seen fields of sunflowers like this. It is a glorious sight!

