Thursday, April 11, 2013

rose syrup and honey

~rose honey~




leave the jar in a sunny window and flip over often, strain and enjoy in 2 weeks.

rose syrup

8 cups of petals boiled in 10 cups of water with juice of one lemon
let steep for a few hours and strain.
add about a cup of sugar per cup or rose water
boil 10'

enjoy the scent of spring spilling out all summer...


  1. SWOON! The beauty and creativity with your labels are a feast for the eyes! Love the bee landing for a little nectar at the table~ I can practically smell the fragrance of your roses & petals! Love your helper looking on :)

  2. I would love to be your neighbor and to be a recipient of all your homemade goodies. Everything always looks so wonderful and your beautiful labels are a great addition.

  3. Another delicious journey into your hilltop world. I can just imagine the fragrance. The color alone is astounding. Honey, rose petals, sun, and magic. Your life is bliss, Jain.

    Which Border Collie was keeping watch?
    I'm also fascinated by your honey jar. I've never seen one that big or beautiful. Gosh, this stirs memories.(I told you that we kept bees in the mid-80s, right? We had bee suits and everything. Honey galore. Once, after smoking the hive, the bees were riled for weeks and they stung my husband (they went after his black socks). He dove into the swimming pool. After that, no more honey for my honey. If only he had worn white socks (dark colors drive bees into a fury, apparently). Maybe I can talk him into getting one hive at RB.)

  4. Sweet success! I think you need to get a table at the local farmer's market and set up shop. Your labels are works of art, and I can just imagine how sweet the syrup is. Pancakes anytime soon?
    Love the bee shot.........Sarah

