Thursday, March 28, 2013

a holiday cast party~


  1. What a delightful cast & crew! I am green with envy with the setting for the party. I can smell the wisteria from here~

  2. Oh, my goodness. So festive and fun and SPRINGY! Happy Easter to you and thank you for your visits. I know when the heat comes back I will be a more frequent visitor. I have trouble being inside right now. I think of you every time my "Clarence" blooms. You ID'ed him for me. I look forward to seeing him soon.

  3. So cute~I love all your Easter cast. I'm sure they will be a big hit. That Wisteria is beautiful.

  4. These photos could grace the cover of any magazine. I love your ducks--I have 5 in my front yard. I fed them the last of the coconut cake today, and you have never seen such ferocious pecking (it took them a while to warm up to cake, but now, like their mistress, they crave it).
    Your wisteria looks like it fell from heaven. Happy Easter!

