Monday, February 11, 2013

limoncello shooters...

first i made the curd, fresh from my meyers lemon trees from home...


  1. Your labels look wonderful and that lemon curd makes my mouth water. My favorite lemon curd is from Fortnam and Mason. When ever we go to London, I bring home several jars. Yummy!

  2. Your labels are beyond cute~ especially the made with love from Sea Dream one! I can Sea you are having a Whale of a good time :) I've never made lemon curd but then I don't have lemons by the bushel! I love TJ's version~ theirs is made in England and a great price but I'd be juicing away if I had trees. Love the shooters, anything with lemon & blueberries is a delightful pairing for me! Wish you were me neighbor...

