Sunday, January 27, 2013


i found him walking 20 years ago on a country lane, just a kitten, with his twin brother by an abandoned barn. i named his brother willie, because he was willing to come to me, i named him whyle, because it took a while for me to catch him. his brother passed 10 years ago.

whyle has been my very best boy, always a perfect kitty. he once was so huge and strong, but time has ravaged him... i don't like to take their pics at the end, i want to forever remember them young and healthy. even when i look at him now, i see him different then the camera lens forces me to acknowledge. he will always be beautiful in my eyes. he was our constant beach buddy, here is last winter, still looking excellent for 19...

time catches up to everyone, thank you for sharing your life with us...

i will miss my little shadow...