Monday, May 29, 2023

Flora comes home~

Flora has been a very special member of our family for over 30 years and today we welcomed her to her new home. My husband surprised me with Flora early in our marriage, he said he had an accident and dented the truck, come outside and look, inside Flora was laying in the truck bed, I was ecstatic! I named her Flora, short for the beautiful floribunda roses that festooned her.

Our old house was on a steep hill, she was centered to the house with a gorgeous view behind her in all seasons...

Sadly, several years ago, our old house burned to the ground, along with 1200 other homes, including Flora. My husband recovered her charred body and I began to restain her for our new house. She was black, cracked and very fragile, we put her in a very unobtrusive location...

Today, Flora was brought into the main fold of the new white garden I am planting in our backyard. I waited 5 years to plant the backyard, waiting for the completion of our pool installation.

She is so fragile, with many cracks, we weren't sure if we could move her safely into a prominent new garden location... 

My husband carefully winched her 800 pound body onto her new pedestal.

After my husbands hard work she settled into her new permanent location...

The backyard border is to be an all white garden, I look forward to planting her lovingly back into the full fold our garden life again!

Welcome back Flora, you make our house a home!


  1. Beautiful story!

  2. I have admired Flora ever since I first saw her in one of your blog posts. I think she is the reason I continued to return. I didn’t know her story then but always loved the way you showed her. Many years ago I fell in love with a lovely garden piece but was unable to bring her home. I have searched ever since for her and am always so happy to see when someone else has found their lady.

    1. Thank you for commenting and I wish you luck in finding your special piece.

  3. Flora is beautiful. She looks perfect in her new surroundings. Kudos to Scott for moving her into her new spot.

    1. Thank you, feels so good to see her all settled in now!

  4. Flora deserves to have a new place of honor after her 'trial by fire'! So glad she was able to be safely moved...I don't think there is anything Scott can't do. :)

    1. You are right, Scott is my miracle worker! So good to see her all day again 😍

