Monday, September 5, 2022

the lions garden is done!

With temperatures soaring I was very surprised we were able to finish the pavers in the lions garden! Sprinklers installed, all that is left is welding 4 trellises and planting the last few beds. I am thrilled my main garden is almost done!

this was the coolest day of the week!

time to hide indoors with the cool air!


  1. Another very enjoyable post! Also, for some reason, I am no longer receiving notification of your blog posts, on my email. Is there a way that I can sign back up to receive your posts? Thank you!

    1. thank you for visiting and commenting, very kind of you! I will see look around this week and see if i can figure out how to help you, right now time has been short online and i really don't know my way around blogger anymore!

  2. I hope you sat back and gave yourself a big pat on the back! So much accomplished and such vision! I can't believe you can continue grow anything in your extreme heat wave. Feedburner finally expired so I don't get new post notifications anymore either. I bet Linda could hook you up with a new service if you were so inclined. :)

