Friday, July 22, 2022

behind the scenes~

Some girls love diamonds, I love mulch! I live in an area with a large population of tree trimmers, luckily I have always been able to snag trucks and smoother my garden with this magical weed and feed. This week I have had this oversized truck with the largest shredder I have ever seen drop off 8 truckloads, each truck is 15 yards! 

Pure gold in my eyes!

This is the sound of my mating call!

And trust me, I am as busy as a beaver spreading this stuff daily! 

I'm awestruck at the size of this! 

Everyday this week I've been moving mulch with the tractor and then spreading it with a laundry basket and pitchfork, did I mention its been 100 degrees for days! 

I have also been spreading 20 yards of fill dirt to start prepping for the second phase of the lions garden, a mirror image of the upper flower beds and pathways. 

And I finally realigned the last iris row to square with the lions share garden. 

it has been an extremely busy garden week! 


  1. Lucky you with free mulch and a tractor to spread it! I don't know how you work in that kind of heat!

  2. You are doing a fantastic job!

  3. Gotta love that mulch!

