Saturday, March 19, 2022

a special garden walk, part one

 my neighbor and i share a love for gardening, today she surprised me and invited me on the spur of the moment to tour a landscape architects private home. i should mention its a gray rainy day, which the photos will reflect, but despite the gray, his garden is graced with 250,000 daffodils, how on earth can one not think the sun is blazing yellow when every where you glance drifts of blazing colors pull you through the gorgeous pathways and gardens...


  1. Gorgeous bloom, how special to be invited to tour that magical garden. Love all of the daffodils. Even on a rainy cloudy day, everything looks lovely. Is this in Lincoln or more local?

  2. Jain, These photos are gorgeous. Your artistry with the camera and eye for design are great!

  3. Gorgeous! You could charge admission to tour your garden and sell Ball jar bouquets of blooms. :)

