Monday, February 14, 2022

valentines garden walk~

the pink was calling from afar...

did some of the finishing touches on the exterior of the greenhouse with planters and window boxes, spreading mulch and just relaxing on either side of the patios. 

this greenhouse is truly the most wonderful gift of love for valentines, my birthday and christmas, my husband worked hard for months to bring me to this joyful moment!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. I wish here in Illinois we were seeing such beauty. Months to go for that to happen. Enjoy that beauty. xoxo Kris

  2. I thought I commented but it must have not posted thanks to my cranky laptop. :) A perfect gift for you and gift that keeps on giving with hours of happy planting! Pretty pink blossoms too. ♥

  3. Love your greenhouse. It looks so elegant. A pretty sitting area too to take in the beautiful views.

